est. 1999
CASI published the books found on this page. They are distributed by Dogwise.
Housetraining Adult Dogs and Puppies
by James O'Heare
6 x 9"
59 pages
Housetraining Adult Dogs and Puppies is a guide for dog owners to housetrain adult dogs or puppies. This small booklet provides a detailed but still concise step-by-step housetraining procedure. It covers preliminary steps, including supplies you will need, as well as troubleshooting for common problems that can arise in the housetraining process.

Solving Dog Behavior Problems
by James O'Heare
6 x 9"
82 pages
Solving Dog Behavior Problems, book 2 in the Dog Behavior series, provides dog guardians the tools to solve dog behavior problems. It explains why dogs exhibit the behaviors they do and how the guardian can assess any kind of problem behavior situation and devise a plan to change the behavior like a professional would. Though examples apply to dogs, the methods described in this book could easily be applied to cats, parrots, horses, and indeed humans. This book would be appropriate for a dog guardian who seeks to be able to understand and resolve just about any kind of problematic behavior that may arise or for the beginning professional looking for a scientifically sound introduction to understanding and resolving problem behaviors.
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Functional Behavioral Assessment: A Systematic and Step-by-Step Approach to Assessing Problem Animal Behavior
by James O’Heare
8.5 x 11”
133 pages
Functional Behavioral Assessment is a comprehensive technical manual, written for animal behavior technologists. It explains why the functional behavioral assessment approach is the most effective and efficient means of assessing problem behaviors in non-human animals and provides a detailed description of how to conduct the functional behavioral assessment. Functional assessment interviewing, direct observation, quantitative tracking, and functional analysis procedures are elaborated. A functional Assessment Interview form is provided for the reader’s use. Also provided for the reader is a differential functional diagnostic flowchart. An introduction is provided on deriving a formal behavior change plan from the functional assessment products. The emphasis is placed on working with dogs in terms of examples but the approach is easily adapted to working with parrots, cats, horses and other species, including humans.
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Resolving Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties: An Errorless Differential Reinforcement Approach—A Manual for Professionals
by James O’Heare
6 x 9”
70 pages
Resolving Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties: An Errorless Differential Reinforcement Approach is a manual for behaviorologists and animal behavior technologists in applying errorless differential added reinforcement to resolve escape-functional behavior in dogs (or other species). It provides a foundational treatment of basic principles of behavior and outlines the rationale for utilizing errorless differential reinforcement, particularly with DRO in the initial phase of the intervention, transitioning to DRI or DRA in later phases. It provides detailed instructions for applying errorless differential added reinforcement to actual cases. A companion book is available for guardians called Resolving Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties: A Guide for Dog Guardians.
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Resolving Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties: An Errorless Differential Reinforcement Approach—A Guide for Dog Guardians
by James O’Heare
6 x 9”
37 pages
Resolving Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties is a concise guide for dog (or other species) guardians for resolving fears, phobias, and anxieties using non-coercive methods. It explains the causes of such behavior and the basic strategies and procedures for changing them. Clear instructions are provided for assessing specific problems and how to apply the basic strategy and procedures to resolve that problem.
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Empowerment Training: Understanding empowerment, training for it and Rehabilitating disempowerment
2nd Edition
by James O’Heare
6 x 9”
129 pages
Empowerment Training is a guide for professional animal trainers to understanding the concept of empowerment from a scientific perspective, how to train specifically for creativity, industriousness/persistence, and resilience (i.e., empowerment), and how to rehabilitate those exhibiting patterns of behavior consistent with conditioned helplessness and response depression (i.e., disempowerment). It brings together a vast body of research on topics related to empowerment and general behavioral well-being, summarizing the research findings and providing practical rehabilitation strategies and tactics to address conditioned helplessness and response depression.
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Aggressive Behavior in Dogs: A Comprehensive Technical Manual 3rd Edition
by James O’Heare
8.5 x 11”
235 pages
Aggressive Behavior in Dogs is a comprehensive technical manual, written for animal behavior professionals. It outlines why dogs aggress, how technologists can manage aggressive behavior cases from initial contact through the functional behavioral assessment process, establishing behavior objectives, designing, and implementing a systematic contingency management plan and working toward resolution from a behaviorological natural science orientation. Although the content relates to dogs, it could be applied to various species of companion animal. The third edition has been completely revamped and updated.
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The Science and Technology of Dog Training 2nd Edition
by James O’Heare
6 x 9”
310 pages
The Science and Technology of Dog Training is a manual for both students of dog training and established professionals, presenting basic through to advanced principles, strategies, and techniques in non-coercive dog training. No fads or proprietary “one-true-way” “systems.” Dog Training introduces the natural science of behavior, its principles, and the technology of behavior engineering derived from it. It covers all of the foundational behaviors with instructions from preliminaries right through to maintenance and also advanced training procedures such as shaping and behavior chaining for complex behaviors. Dog Training presents an errorless added reinforcement-emphasized approach. The second edition is completely reworked and includes a new chapter on training humans. Dog Training is treated like a self-study course in a book, providing a list of detailed behavior objectives for each chapter as well as exercises trainers can use to develop and expand their repertoire of effective training behaviors.
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Training Dogs — A Dogs-Owner’s Guide to the Science of Behavior and Non-coercive Dog Training
by James O’Heare
6 x 9”
98 pages
Training Dogs, book one in the Dog Behavior series, is a dog-owner’s guide to the basic principles, strategies, tactics, and practices in non-coercive dog training to promote a mutually reinforcing relationship and a harmonious household. It provides an accessible, yet scientifically accurate, exploration of the most current and powerful non-coercive practices people can use in everyday life to improve the behavioral wellbeing of dogs and themselves. Training Dogs will emphasize (a) training at all times rather than in scheduled sessions, and (b) basic principles and strategies rather than just step-by-step instructions alone, so that dog owners may develop the knowledge and skill to train any behavior they wish.
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What Causes Human Behavior—Stars, Selves, Or Contingencies?
by Stephen F. Ledoux
Using ordinary examples of everyday human behaviors, this new book conveys—in a friendly, conversational manner—a basic behavior repertoire in many aspects of behaviorology. The cover of this 400–page, 27–chapter book points this out: “As we shift from pre–scientific understandings to helping build a sustainable society in a timely manner, answering this matters: Are the causes of our behavior in our stars, in our selves, or in our contingencies?”
The book is written for anyone concerned to understand human behavior better, especially as it relates to current global issues and human survival. The book is not about psychology as behaviorology is not any kind of psychology. In the first half of the book, the chapters consider a little history and philosophy of science along with some principles, methods, concepts, and practices of behaviorology. In the second half of the book, the chapters cover some scientific answers to some long–standing human questions (e.g., questions about values, rights, ethics, morals, language, consciousness, personhood, life, death, and reality) with the final chapter discussing interconnections between behaviorology and solutions to global problems, along with some necessary steps to make these and other contributions possible.

Problem Animal Behavior — Functional Assessment & Constructive Contingency Management Planning
by James O’Heare
8.5 x 11”
238 pages
Problem Animal Behavior is an essential textbook providing detailed coverage of the functional assessment of problem animal behavior and the design and implementation of constructional contingency management plans. It introduces the natural science of behavior and the basic laws and principles of behavior. It places a strong emphasis on constructional positive reinforcement-based methods throughout. The strategies and procedures are applicable to all species. Functional assessment forms are provided for the reader’s use.
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Origins and Components of Behaviorology—Third Edition
by Stephen Ledoux
394 pages
In 2015, BehaveTech Publishing, of Ottawa Canada, published another behaviorology title, the 394–page book, Origins and Components of Behaviorology—Third Edition, by Stephen Ledoux (with contributions from Lawrence Fraley, James O’Heare, and Glenn Latham). Much has happened since the Second Edition came out in 2002. (The Second Edition is now out of print, and this Third Edition replaces it.) While the historically unique papers in this collection remain essentially unchanged, the references and terminology used in other papers has been updated for consistency with other behaviorology books, and several new papers appear in this edition for the first time. These include (a) “Elements of the Ongoing History of the Behaviorology Discipline” (with James O’Heare as coauthor; pp. 259–296, which replaces the “Afterword” in the Second Edition), (b) the Appendix 3 Addendum: “Curricular Courses and Resources after 25 Years (1990–2015)” (pp. 314–326, which summarizes the results of the author’s behaviorology curriculum development experience over these years of his career), and (c) Appendix 5: “Human Multiple Operant Research Equipment Update” (pp. 328–332). This book (ISBN 978–1–927744–08–6) lists for $60 and can be ordered from the usual sources (or contact the author at ledoux@canton.edu).

The Science and Technology of Animal Training
by James O’Heare
7 x 10”
319 pages
The Science and Technology of Animal Training is a Masters level textbook, written to help students of animal training and established professionals alike expand their repertoire of knowledge and skills in the natural science of behavior and the applied technology derived from it in training companion animals. It does not present fads or proprietary “one-true-way” “systems.” It provides a thorough introduction to basic through to advanced laws, principles, strategies and techniques in positive reinforcement-emphasized companion animal training. It covers all of the foundational behaviors for training dogs, cats, birds, horses and humans with detailed instructions. It covers advanced training procedures such as shaping, chaining and sequencing in depth. It provides a set of hands-on trainer exercises to help the trainer develop their skills and there is a Study Questions book available for trainers to work through on their own or in a classroom environment.
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Canine Separation Anxiety Workbook: Training Dogs to Tolerate Being Left Alone
by James O’Heare
6 x 9”
46 pages
The Canine Separation Anxiety Workbook will help provide dog owners with a step-by-step plan to train their dog to tolerate being left alone.
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Running Out of Time—Introducing Behaviorology to Help Solve Global Problems
by Stephen F. Ledoux, Ph.D.
Running Out of Time is a 600 page, 24 chapter book introducing behaviorology and exploring how it can help resolve many of the wold’s most pressing problems.
For several decades concerned people around the world, including traditional natural scientists (for example, physicists, chemists, and biologists) have worked to improve and expand solutions to some serious and growing global problems. This has led them to point out that both the problems and the solutions involve a large component of human behavior, and so a natural science of human behavior would be very helpful. Various circumstances, however, have raised difficulties in seeing that such a science already exists. Out of concern to provide the information that they seek, this book introduces the natural science of behavior, called Behaviorology, as another disciplinary member of the science and engineering team working to solve these problems, because Behaviorology is the natural science of why human behavior happens, a natural science to help build a sustainable society in a timely manner, hopefully a manner timely enough to help humanity avoid having to experience the worst effects of these global problems.
The author is a 35–year Professor of Behaviorology. He received his Ph.D. from Western Michigan University in 1982. He also consults for other universities to build quality behaviorology departments and programs.
Click here for more details.

Changing Problem Behavior: A Systematic & Comprehensive Approach to Behavior Change Project Management
by James O’Heare
Changing Problem Behavior is a manual for managing behavior change projects from the functional assessment of problem behaviors, through constructing and implementing a behavior change program and transitioning to the ongoing maintenance of the changes. It utilizes a behavior analytic approach with a strong emphasis on positive reinforcement based methods and avoidance of aversive methods. It presents a systematic and natural science based approach to managing problem behavior cases for professional animal behavior technologists. The strategies and procedures are applicable to all species.

Dog Aggression Workbook
by James O’Heare
The Dog Aggression Workbook is an interactive guide for guardians of dogs who behave aggressively. The workbook presents a systematic and highly efficient and effective, positive reinforcement-based approach to understanding, assessing and changing aggressive behaviors in dogs. Strategies and techniques are described clearly and completely in a conversational style that is easy to read and understand. Guardians will be armed with the tools they need to address all kinds of aggressive behavior problems, while avoiding harsh punitive techniques. The workbook utilizes a behavioral approach, focusing on identifying specific problem behaviors, what evokes them and what consequences are maintaining them. It explains how to implement desensitization and behavior replacement procedures to change emotional responses and the aggressive behaviors they motivate. Taking a global and comprehensive approach, it addresses the whole context in which aggressive behaviors are performed. The Dog Aggression Workbook will be a useful compliment for Aggressive Behavior in Dogs, a manual written for professional behavior consultants as a means of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of professional consultation. Short and inexpensive, it would make a useful adjunct to consultation.

Dominance Theory and Dogs
by James O’Heare
E-BOOK $20cdn
This older book is now out of print but we are making it available in ebook format because I know that it is used in some courses.
Dominance Theory and Dogs is an in-depth examination of the notion of social dominance and how it applies to domestic dogs. Social dominance is one of the most controversial topics in the dog behavior and training field and is rife with confusion and misunderstanding. This book will explore sociability and conflict management in general, then explore exactly what is and is not social dominance, and finally, what value it might hold. It will be argued that while social dominance may be of some use in ethology or social-psychology fields, it is of very little, if any, use with explaining, predicting and changing companion dog behavior. It will be argued that the use of social dominance models with companion dogs is harmful because of its emphasis on an adversarial mindset. A behavioral approach to explaining, predicting and changing behavior will be proposed as a vastly more effective and efficient model for companion dog social behavior. On the APDT 2003 Top Ten New Books list.
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Canine Neuropsychology
by James O’Heare
This older book is now out of print. I don't really concern myself too much with the biology of behavior any longer, focussing on a behaviorological approach and the functional relationship between behavior and the environment.
Canine Neuropsychology is an introduction to the canine nervous system and endocrine system and how trainers, behaviorists and guardians can use this knowledge to train dogs or modify their behavior. The book explains how the nervous system and endocrine system work and how stimuli are inputted, processed, organized and then outputted in behavioral responses. The book also explores the stress and emotions in dogs. The book describes how this information can be used in treating behavior problems or even just living more easily with dogs. The book describes stress in detail and suggests a treatment plan based on mental and physical stimulation as well as nutritional intervention. The book also describes medications and nutritional supplementation that can help bring a bog back to his mental peak.

Raw Meat Diets for Cats and Dogs?
by James O’Heare
E-BOOK $10cdn
Raw Meat Diets for Cats and Dogs? is an objective and critical evaluation of the advisability of feeding a raw meat-based diet to pet cats and dogs. It reviews the scientific literature on the issue and explores the arguments for such a diet. Most sources that have previously explored the topic have been decidedly non-objective. If you are interested in taking a careful, critical and objective look at this dietary trend Raw Meat Diets for Cats and Dogs? is the book to read.
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Vegan Dog Nutrition
by James O'Heare
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